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2019 Review of GoSystem Tax RS from Thomson Reuters

gosystem tax rs

A good fit for larger accounting firms as well as corporate tax departments, GoSystem Tax RS is equipped to handle the complex corporate returns, life insurance returns, and tax equalization returns, easily handling individual returns as well. Available exclusively online, GoSystem Tax RS was one of the pioneers of online tax compliance, with firms able to access the application using an online virtual office or as a SaaS application. GoSystem Tax RS does not currently offer a portal directly within the application, though it does integrate with the NetClient CS Portal. The portal offers easy document exchange between clients and firms, with clients provided secure access to the portal, where they can upload or download documents at any time. Data importing options are also outstanding in GoSystem Tax RS, with users able to import data from just about any accounting system.

With extensive integration capability with CS Professional Suite along with various third-party applications, users have access to the data and documentation needed to easily process even the most complicated return. GoSystem Tax RS pricing is customized for each firm, starting at around $4,000 annually for a single-user system. GoSystem Tax RS from Thomson Reuters best suited for mid-sized and large firms that process more complex returns such as consolidated corporate returns, life insurance returns, and tax equalization returns. GoSystem Tax also offers individual tax filing and integrates well with the Thomson Reuters CS Suite of tax and accounting products. GoSystem Tax RS is best suited for larger firms or corporate tax departments who are tasked with preparing complex tax returns for a variety of clients. The application also offers top-notch integration with other CS Professional Suite applications that increase functionality tremendously.

If errors are found, corrections can be made directly in the organizer, with the option to refresh the return to reflect the changes. Those using Thomson Reuters GoFileRoom or FileCabinet CS can automatically save the completed return directly without leaving the application. GoSystem Tax RS supports both federal and state e-filing, with users able to validate returns prior to e-filing.

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GoSystem Tax offers an intuitive user interface with the ability to customize the interface to better suit their needs. Easy access is provided for all tax organizers, and the product supports multiple monitors for easy form preparation. GoSystem Tax RS from Thomson Reuters is list these monthly expenses in your budget part of the CS Professional Suite of applications designed for accounting professionals and corporate tax departments alike. GoSystem Tax RS is well suited for firms preparing multitiered consolidated corporate returns, life insurance returns, and tax equalization returns, though the program handles individual returns as well.

Benefits of in person learning for tax and accounting professionals

An online pioneer, GoSystem was one of the first tax compliance software applications to offer web accessibility, GoSystem Tax conveniently offers users the ability to work both on or cash flow statement off-line, with the data quickly uploaded once connected. GoSystem Tax does not include a portal, but firms can choose to utilize the NetClient CS Portal, which is part of the CS Professional Suite of applications that seamlessly integrate with the application. The NetClient CS Portal allows firms to share returns with clients, as well as providing clients with the ability to upload necessary documents when requested. Tackle the most complex tax returns, such as multitiered consolidated return processing for corporations and partnerships. GoSystem Tax RS also features an automatic calculation option, allowing users to view return calculations as information is entered with an option to turn the feature off if desired. In this demonstration you’ll explore the processes for MyTaxInfo, and see how it can make the collection of tax information from taxpayers easier and more reliable.

  1. Diagnostic messages are also available in the application and users can easily view processing results as they are entered using the auto-compute feature.
  2. GoSystem Tax RS from Thomson Reuters is part of the CS Professional Suite of applications designed for accounting professionals and corporate tax departments alike.
  3. With extensive integration capability with CS Professional Suite along with various third-party applications, users have access to the data and documentation needed to easily process even the most complicated return.

Risk & compliance management

Another handy feature is the ability to click on any line on a completed tax form to display an audit trail for the amount displayed. Diagnostic messages are also available in the application and users can easily view processing results as they are entered using the auto-compute feature. GoSystem Tax RS also integrates with a variety of third-party applications such as EMC Documentum, SurePrep, and Copanion, all designed to decrease the amount of paperwork needed to process client returns. Users also have easy access to Checkpoint research content as well as PPC Deskbooks from the user toolbar. Also included is the Partner Bridge, which allows firms to create Data Interchange Format (DIF) files automatically when partner information is imported or exported.

gosystem tax rs

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Users can click on any line in the the laws that govern the securities industry tax form to display an audit trail for the amount represented. The program also includes diagnostic messages that help to pinpoint return inconsistencies and errors. An auto-compute feature is also available that allows users to easily view results as data is being entered into the system. GoSystem Tax RS also integrates with a variety of third-party applications which include EMC Documentum, SurePrep, and Copanion, which all use OCR processing technology.

SafeSend Returns

GoSystem Tax RS has a minimalist approach, using intuitive user entry screens that are populated only with necessary features and functions. GoSystem Tax RS makes good use of tax organizers, allowing users to access the client organizer or the tax forms. The QuickTrack feature offers access to organizer details, with a series of links available for quick access to a particular area within the organizer. Along with the Thomson Reuters applications mentioned above, GoSystem Tax RS also integrates with a variety of third-party applications such as EMC Documentum, SurePrep, and Copanion, which all use OCR processing technology. Users can also easily access research content from applications such as Checkpoint, PPC Deskbooks, and Partner Bridge.